Thursday, October 29, 2009

Interview with Mase (A.K.A. Edward Anthony Masen Cullen)

It's little old me, starting yet another story in my notebook of fan fiction ideas. With me is Edward Cullen, ready to talk about his part in my new unfolding melodrama.

Ok, let me settle into my recliner here, Edward.

Edward sighs, zips past me to settle into MY chair, and grins devilishly at me. "Edward is dead, love. call me Mase."

Ivy: Bullshit, I am standing here, watching you take over MY chair. You look pretty alive to me.

Mase: we discussed this before, please don't call me that. You don't want to piss me off, do you?

Ivy: (sigh) Fine fine! So where did you get this idea to call yourself Mase? What is wrong with Edward? It's sexy!

Mase: Edward Cullen is dead... I AM Anthony Masen! Damn you woman!

Ivy: Well can you at least give my readers a teeny hint; people love you, after all!

Mase: Fine! Fuck you are stubborn! I had to deal with a lot of shit, so when I moved away, I changed my name, unofficially of course, to Anthony Masen. This way I remain anonymous; no one can find me. Are we clear now? My nickname started in the bar this morning, given to me by this feisty little numer who loves STP. She told me when she first looked at me, she almost reached for her can of Mase; I looked like I was going to eat her, apparently. I could have too, she was smoking hot!

Ivy: So you are still Edward Anthony Masen Cullen, though right?

~~~ Edward jumps up and knocks over my chair ~~~

Ivy: Hey! Be careful with that thing, you evil fucker! I love that chair!

Mase: I am done answering your questions, Ivy. Unless you would like to discuss your pen name and why you don;t just use your real one to write about me...

Ivy: (blushes) Touche Mase. Touche! So will you ever go by Edward in this story? ***growling starts***

~~~Jumps up and runs out of the room before he can catch me~~~

1 comment:

  1. **giggles wildly** oooohhhh I'm going to fall in love w/ him.. I just know it.. **whispers** lets not talk pen names.. K.. k..
